Healthcare, Non-Profits, Businesses

In our previous careers working for health care corporations, we were involved in engaging the services of consultants. We found value in the work they did for us, as well as the umpteenth page document we received outlining their findings and recommendations. However, the actual implementation of the recommendations was left to the organization—us, our peers, our leaders, our employees, our physicians—while our consultants moved on to their next engagement. They were not there to support us or help us through the obstacles, challenges and impasses encountered during the implementation phase. The obstacles, mostly people related, often were so great, that before long, the report was shelved, never to be referred to again. We have since learned that many organizations in a wide range of industries have had similar experiences. We believe this is a flaw in the traditional consultant role, and one that minimizes the ultimate impact of their expertise. For us, it ultimately distilled down to the question, “What is the ROI of such engagements?” Our solution for maximizing the ROI, is Performance Consulting.
Consulting coaching

Performance Consulting: Bringing to life the equation 1 + 1 > 2

We convert knowledge into meaningful action that improves your bottom line.

We approach an engagement much like a health professional does his own patients—a comprehensive evaluation, and differential diagnosis (what are the issues, and what is causing them) followed by an individualized treatment plan which addresses the causes of the ailments discovered, not just the symptoms, (comprehensive proposal with recommendations and action plan), and identification of the expected outcome (results) within a specified timeframe (achieved by when).

Like a health professional, we want a relationship with our client that endures over time, and brings value to them throughout. With Performance Consulting, we build in the accountability for the successful implementation of the recommendations we make. Our approach ensures our recommendations are customized to fit your organization, culture and situation while taking into account the challenges that may be encountered. We recognize that people ultimately drive the emotional and financial costs of implementing any new program or system, and if they are not supported through the change, they will cause delay and possible derailment of the initiative. In health care terms, we focus on treatment compliance.

We want you to measure the ROI of our engagement. At the outset, we will estimate with you what the desired targets or outcomes are, and the time frame for achieving them. We will then regularly report to you our progress, and together will modify our approach as necessary to meet those targets.

Healthcare Coaching
video meeting

The following questions will help you to determine if our services will benefit your organization.

Health Care Professions:

  • Are your patients satisfied so that they refer their friends to you?
  • What’s your vision for your practice?
  • Is your staff turnover rate preventing you from getting a raise?
  • Are you constantly fielding staff complaints?
  • Is your staff happy to be at work? Helpful and friendly to everyone?
  • Is one of your partner’s behaviors sabotaging the success of your practice?
  • Are you working in your practice or on your practice?

Other Organizations:

  • Do you spend all your time “putting out fires?”
  • Is your employee turnover rate eroding your profit margin?
  • Does your human resources staff deal constantly with staff complaints?
  • Do you look around you and wonder what’s next?
  • Do you have a succession plan to carry your organization forward?
  • Does territorialism between your departments prevent collaboration and compromise results?
  • Is your culture conflict avoidant?
Given today’s tumultuous and challenging times, it is sometimes difficult to have 1 + 1 = 2. We guarantee that working with us, you will obtain and sustain results so that for you and your business, 1 + 1 > 2.




Our Performance Consulting Clients Include:

  • Physicians to Women
  • Lawrence Companies
  • Physicians to Children
  • Wytheville Community Hospital
  • Rainwater Management Solutions